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How do I pull phoneNumber from Linkedin Javascript API array

I appreciate any help with those familiar with the LinkedIn JavaScript API. Question: How do I pull in the phone number and email from the field array. In my example, posted to a php script, both phoneNumber and emailAddress are undefined when set to $_POST[''];:

<script type="text/javascript">
  //Runs when the JavaScript framework is loaded
function onLinkedInLoad() {
IN.UI.Authorize().params({"scope":["r_fullprofile", "r_emailaddress", "r_contactinfo"]}).place();
IN.Event.on(IN, "auth", onLinkedInAuth);

  //Runs when the viewer has authenticated
  function onLinkedInAuth() {



 // 2. Runs when the Profile() API call  returns successfully
  function displayProfiles(profiles) {
var p = profiles.values[0]; 

var phone = profiles.values[0].phoneNumbers;

for (var i in p.positions.values) {
    var pos = p.positions.values[i];
    if (pos.isCurrent)
        var company = pos.company.name;

 //AJAX call to pass back vars to server
var http = new XMLHttpRequest();
var postdata= "id=" + p.id + "&fName=" + p.firstName + "&lName=" + p.lastName + "&phone=" + phone + "&email1=" + p.emailAddress + "&company=" + company;
http.open("POST", "../inc/linkedin.php", true);

use fields like this http://developer.linkedin.com/documents/profile-fields Try this...


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