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Create Client of Web Service of C# API

I have created a web service in C# in which I have used a C# entity class that is passed to web service as input by serializing this class and in web service I have deserialize it my web method here is my Serializing code

string xmlText;
var msg = new System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer(obj.GetType());
var ms = new MemoryStream();
using (var xmlTextWriter = new XmlTextWriter(ms, Encoding.ASCII) { Formatting = Formatting.Indented })
    msg.Serialize(xmlTextWriter, obj);
    ms = (MemoryStream)xmlTextWriter.BaseStream;
    xmlText = new UTF8Encoding().GetString(ms.ToArray());
return xmlText;

I get XML of this class and I pass it to my web method and I just deserialize it and use this class. Now I want to expose this web method to all clients. The client can be Java, PHP or any other programming language. How will I provide this Class to those clients? I have searched on google there I find create wsdl file. How to convert my entity class to a wsdl file?

Any help will be highly appreciated. Regards.

I think the best way to go is what you're already doing: serialize your objects into XML or Json and pass these strings to your clients. These clients will then have to recreate the objects back (using specific methods like json_decode for PHP, for example). A WSDL file describes the public methods of a web service. It will help you to create your clients, but it won't help you to serialize and deserialize objects.

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