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SQL Insert Multiple Rows Based On Variable

I have a variable @RowNumber

I would like to create a variable table @table based on the @RowNumber variable.

If @RowNumber is 6 I would like the @table top present the following information

MonthID  Month
1        Month1
2        Month2
3        Month3
4        Month4
5        Month5
6        Month6

Any help will be greatly appreciated....

declare @rownum int 
declare @monthid int
declare @date datetime

/* rownum initialized in your code*/
select @rownum = 6

select @monthid = 1
select @date = '20140101'

declare @table table ( 
MonthID int null,
MonthName varchar (10) null
while ( @rownum > 0 ) 
insert into @table values ( @monthid , datename(month,dateadd(month,@monthid-1,@date)))
select @monthid = @monthid + 1
select @rownum = @rownum - 1

In SQL Server:

DECLARE @Table TABLE (MonthID int, Month nvarchar(20))
DECLARE @RowNumber int = 12

DECLARE @Count int = 1
WHILE @Count <= @RowNumber
    INSERT INTO @Table (MonthID, Month) VALUES (@Count, 'Month' + CAST(@Count AS nvarchar))
    SET @Count = @Count + 1


One way in SQL Server for a table T :

declare @RowNumber int = 6

;with T(MonthID, Month) as
    select 1 as MonthID , 'month' + cast(1 as varchar(6))
        union all
    select MonthID + 1, 'month' + cast(MonthID as varchar(6))
        from T
        where MonthID < @RowNumber

select * from T

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