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How to handle this exception in asp.net 3-tier application?

I am a new ASP.net developer and I am trying to do add proper exception handling in my simple 3-tier web-based application. By following this post , I have done, for example, the following in the Data Access Layer (DAL) and the User Interface (UI):


public IEnumerable<Survey> getData()
    List<Survey> surveysList = new List<Survey>();
        using (ItemsDBEntities context = new ItemsDBEntities())
            surveysList = (from survey in context.Surveys
                         select new Survey()
                             ID = survey.ID,
                             startDate = survey.StartDate,
                             EndDate = survey.EndDate,
                             Description = survey.Description
    catch (EntityException ex)
        //something wrong about entity
        throw new ConnectionFailedException(ex);
    catch (Exception ex)
        //Don't know what happend... 
    return surveysList;

Code-Behind of UI:

private void bindGrid()
    Survey survey = new Survey();
        GridView1.DataSource = survey.getData();
        GridView1.Visible = true;
    catch (ConnectionFailedException)
        Label1.Text = "There was a problem accessing the database, please try again.";

However, I am still getting a red line under


in each tier and I don't know why, and it gave me the following error:

The type or namespace name 'ConnectionFailedException' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)TestWebsite\\App_Code\\DAL\\Survey.cs

How can I fix this thing? I don't want to create a class for each exception type that I am going to throw it like what I have done so far. Could you please provide me with a help and example if possible?

You haven't added Microsoft.Rfid.SpiSdk assembly reference OR Dll might be missed in the build

Namespace: Microsoft.SensorServices.Rfid.Dspi
Assembly: Microsoft.Rfid.SpiSdk (in microsoft.rfid.spisdk.dll)

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