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Convert string variable to WaitCallback in ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem

Is it possible to pass string variable as a WaitCallback parameter in ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem()

string myFunction="Go";

public void Go(object obj)
       //Do Something

You'll need to use reflection.

For example:

WaitCallback callback = (WaitCallback) Delegate.CreateDelegate(
    typeof(WaitCallback), this, myFunction);

To use a method in a different class, change this to the target instance. If you want to call a static method, use the overload of CreateDelegate which takes a Type as the second parameter rather than an object.

You'll have to use reflection to get the method:

var method = this.GetType().GetMethod(myFunction, new Type[] { typeof(object) });
var d = (WaitCallback)Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(WaitCallback), this, method);

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