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PHPEXCEL : php excel only show 1 letter

Please help me on the PHPEXCEL. it shows only one letter. this is my php code:

$sql_question   =   "SELECT * FROM tna_question WHERE title_id = '$tid' ORDER BY section_id";

$result_question    =   mysql_query($sql_question, $db);

$category   =   array();

while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result_question)) {
    $arr1   =   $row['question'];
    $arr    =   array_push($category ,$arr1);

$arr3[]     =   $category;

the result from the sql query is an array:

Array ( [0] => gfhgfh [1] => gfhfg [2] => fggfdg [3] => fds [4] => asd [5] => fghgfh [6] => Policy Wordings / Coverage [7] => Risk Assessment / Survey & Underwriting [8] => Policy Wordings / Coverage [9] => Risk Assessment / Survey & Underwriting ) 

when i use this line:

$objPHPExcel->setActiveSheetIndex()->fromArray($category, NULL, 'C7');

it gives me only the first letter from each row


but if i make this one:

$objPHPExcel->setActiveSheetIndex()->fromArray($arr3, NULL, 'C7');

it'll give all the data in one row. 在此处输入图片说明

but The output that i want is like this:


You can use the below code to get the desired result :

foreach($arr3 as $k => $v){
     $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValueByColumnAndRow($col, $k, $v); 

Note : Changing the column value will make it go left and right only. In case you want to shift the entire thing down then replace $k by $k+$val where $val is the number of rows you want to shift down.

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