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Derived class's new constructor not building: “overloaded member function not found”

I have 2 classes that are derived and I want them to have their own constructors, not the base classes'. Here are the header and .cpp with the other member functions stripped.


#pragma once
#include <SFML/Graphics.hpp>

class TextWrap : public sf::Text
    TextWrap() {}

class CircleWrap : public sf::CircleShape
    CircleWrap() {}

Here is the .cpp:

#pragma once
#include "wrappers.h"
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <SFML/Graphics.hpp>

TextWrap::TextWrap(sf::Font font)


When this is built I get the following error in Visual C++ 2010:

1>c:\users\joe\documents\visual studio 2010\projects\mouseavoider\mouseavoider\wrappers.cpp(14): error C2511: 'TextWrap::TextWrap(sf::Font)' : overloaded member function not found in 'TextWrap'
1>          c:\users\joe\documents\visual studio 2010\projects\mouseavoider\mouseavoider\wrappers.h(5) : see declaration of 'TextWrap'
1>c:\users\joe\documents\visual studio 2010\projects\mouseavoider\mouseavoider\wrappers.cpp(38): error C2084: function 'CircleWrap::CircleWrap(void)' already has a body
1>          c:\users\joe\documents\visual studio 2010\projects\mouseavoider\mouseavoider\wrappers.h(16) : see previous definition of '{ctor}'

I have a feeling that my syntax is wrong with making the constructor... But I don't know why. I've looked through tutorials and examples online and I don't know why this doesn't work.

EDIT: It's been fixed! I had mixed up the declarations and definitions and needed to fix my declarations of the variables themselves.

The error in the first constructor is that you're declaring a default constructor, instead of a constructor with an sf::Font as argument.

In the second constructor, you are putting {} , meaning that you're defining the constructor with no content. If you want to define the body of the constructor later you must put a ; at the end.

It should be:

class TextWrap : public sf::Text
    TextWrap(sf::Font font);

class CircleWrap : public sf::CircleShape


The header file should contain declarations instead of definitions . TextWrap() {} is defining a constructor that takes no arguments and has an empty body - the braces are the empty body. Your class declaration should look more like the following:

class TextWrap : public sf::Text {
    TextWrap(sf:Font font);

The parameters in the declaration/prototype have to match those in the definition (eg, source file) and the declaration should not include the empty body.

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