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Asp and IIS issues

When I am trying to deploy an ASP App to IIS, I'm having some serious problems with the scripts and styles.

what i am doing is: first I'm publishing my app using visual studio and then on IIS I'm clicking on a website then deploy and then import an application

The site is working as expected and I am able to access it using the port and URL specified, but I'm losing my css, javascript and jQuery.

some facts:

  1. I am setting debug to false in my Web.config : <compilation debug="false" targetFramework="4.0" />

  2. I installed Microsoft ASP.NET Web Optimization from NuGet to my app

  3. when using firebug or chrome canary to inspect whats happening I can see my links like the following: href="/Content/css/bootstrap.min.css" etc ... when I change it to href=" Content/css/bootstrap.min.css"

ie just changing "/Content" to "Content" makes everything works as expected

any thoughts ? !

See MVC 4 Bundle - unable to bundle content eg css/javascript outside MVC project content folder . You can add the bundle using a "CDN path", where you put the proper URL to the bundle:

string cdnPath = "http://yourserver/yourpath/Content/foo.js";
bundles.Add(new ScriptBundle("~/bundles/jquery", cdnPath).Include(

Or take the advice from MVC Bundling and CSS relative URLs :

Don't use bundling on CSS with paths because it is broken except in very simple cases. It's much easier to just directly link minified CSS.

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