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How to deploy a C# windows form application that has database on another PC?

I am trying to publish c# windows form application that has around 15 forms, 4-5 datagrids, datasets etc. I have developed this app on my PC and it has database which is developed on SQL server 2012 (not express).

Now I want to run this app on another laptop, which is connected to my network over a LAN. I want this app to run on that laptop but still use the database on my laptop.

On my laptop, the connection string is present in App.config. Here it is :

    <add name="ST" connectionString="Data Source=STI;Initial Catalog=ST;Integrated Security=True" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient"/>

Now how can I change the connection string so it may work on another laptop but still connect to db that is on my laptop?

I hope you understand my question.


Use the name of your laptop as bellow

Data Source=myServerAddress;

or use the IP or your laptop:

Data Source=,1433;

http://www.connectionstrings.com/ is a very good resource for understanding how .NET connection strings work.

Full connectionString:

<add name="ST" connectionString="Data Source=\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=ST;Integrated Security=True" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient"/>

Without TrustedConnection :

<add name="ST" connectionString="Data Source=\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=ST;User Id=myUsername;Password=myPassword;" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient"/>

You replace Integrated Security=True with User Id=myUsername;Password=myPassword; .

In addition to this, as other answers have said, the server and laptop need to be configured to accept remote connections.

You will need to change the Data Source part to be the computer name and the sql instance name, for example:

Data Source=MyLaptop\SQL2012;

And the Initial Catalog should be the database name (I guess in this case it is 'ST')

According to http://connectionstrings.com/ you need to set the Data Source in the connectionstrings to the laptop running the sql server.

Then you also must check the server's configuratoin and - open the necessary ports on your laptop firewall. The sql server installer does not install a firewall rule allowing incoming traffic by default, that has to be manually done.


Data Source= Your LapTop IP

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