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SQL Server: Get data from record with max date / newest date

I am using the following stored procedure to get the newest date out of a column which works fine.

Can someone tell me how I have to amend this that I also get the rest of the data of this record selected (ie the one with the max date) ? The column in question is called "updated" and is formatted as datetime so the values there should be unique.

Example: The max value for column "updated" is the row with "itemID" = 3. In this case I also want the rest of the data in this row selected, say the columns are called col1, col2, col3, col4 + the column "updated".

My stored procedure:

SELECT      CONVERT(VARCHAR(11), MAX(updated), 106) AS lastUpdated
FROM        MeetingDetails
WHERE       itemStatus = 'active'
FOR XML PATH('updates'), ELEMENTS, TYPE, ROOT('root')

You could take the analytic approach:

FROM   (SELECT col1, col2, col3, col4, 
               RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY col1, col2, col3 
                            ORDER BY updated DESC) AS rk
        FROM   MeetingDetails
        WHERE  itemstatus = 'active') t
WHERE  rk = 1
SELECT col1, col2, col3, col4, updated
FROM   MeetingDetails 
WHERE  updated in (
    SELECT      MAX(updated)
    FROM        MeetingDetails
    WHERE       itemStatus = 'active'

This should be what you're looking for. From here, if you need to narrow it down further, just add more criteria to your where clause.

Here is the query:

set nocount on;

   -- ......
   convert(varchar(11), md.updated, 106) as lastUpdated
   MeetingDetails md
   md.itemStatus = 'active'
   and md.updated = (select max(updated)
                     from MeetingDetails
                     where itemStatus = 'active')
for xml path('updates'), elements, type, root('root')

Based on how many records have the max(updated) this select may return more than one row and hence this query could return multiple nodes.

A simple TOP 1 clause with an ORDER BY should work for you.

SELECT TOP 1 col1, col2, col3, col4,
FROM   @MeetingDetails 
WHERE  itemStatus = 'active'
      updated DESC
FOR XML PATH('updates'), ELEMENTS, TYPE, ROOT('root')

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