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Mysql: Getting all days of a month

Need suggestion for a query.One solution is create a days table for all months.

I am trying to get count(c3.id) for all days of month February .
As in cs.created_at , some dates are missing, how can I use below clause.

group by day(cs.created_at)

something like group by day(month(cs.created_at)) not working..

 select count(case when cs.id IN(select max(id) from complaint3_status
                                  where complaint_id=c3.id  and status_type=10)
                        and cs.status_value=11 then c3.id end
             ) as resolved_complaints 
 from  complaint3 c3, complaint3_status cs, 
       company c, complaint3_details cd, user3 u3 
 where c3.id=cs.complaint_id 
   and cd.complaint_id=c3.id 
   and u3.id=c3.user_id 
   and c.id=c3.company_id 
   and c3.company_id=852 
   and month(cs.created_at)=02 
   and year(cs.created_at)=2014 
 group by day(cs.created_at)

Please provide the day(cs.created_at) in the select statement.

 select day(cs.created_at),count(case when cs.id IN(select max(id) from complaint3_status where complaint_id=c3.id  and status_type=10) and
  cs.status_value=11   then c3.id end) as resolved_complaints 
  from  complaint3 c3 , complaint3_status cs, 
  company c,complaint3_details cd,user3 u3 where c3.id=cs.complaint_id and cd.complaint_id=c3.id and
   u3.id=c3.user_id and c.id=c3.company_id and c3.company_id=852 and month(cs.created_at)=02 and year(cs.created_at)=2014 group by day(cs.created_at)

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