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Java - Cannot invoke padLz(int) on the primitive type int

I've been attempting to port a section of JavaScript code and now, the only section I'm still yet to get working has this error: Cannot invoke padLz(int) on the primitive type int . The original JavaScript code is below and similarly is my ported version, with the section that I've not yet been able to get working yet highlighted.


Cannot invoke padLz(int) on the primitive type int

Does anyone know of a fix?


 OsGridRef.prototype.toString = function(digits) {
              digits = (typeof digits == 'undefined') ? 10 : digits;
              e = this.easting, n = this.northing;
              if (e==NaN || n==NaN) return '??';

              // get the 100km-grid indices
              var e100k = Math.floor(e/100000), n100k = Math.floor(n/100000);

              if (e100k<0 || e100k>6 || n100k<0 || n100k>12) return '';

              // translate those into numeric equivalents of the grid letters
              var l1 = (19-n100k) - (19-n100k)%5 + Math.floor((e100k+10)/5);
              var l2 = (19-n100k)*5%25 + e100k%5;

              // compensate for skipped 'I' and build grid letter-pairs
              if (l1 > 7) l1++;
              if (l2 > 7) l2++;
              var letPair = String.fromCharCode(l1+'A'.charCodeAt(0), l2+'A'.charCodeAt(0));

              // strip 100km-grid indices from easting & northing, and reduce precision
              e = Math.floor((e%100000)/Math.pow(10,5-digits/2));
              n = Math.floor((n%100000)/Math.pow(10,5-digits/2));

              var gridRef = letPair + ' ' + e.padLz(digits/2) + ' ' + n.padLz(digits/2);

              return gridRef;

 // pad a number with sufficient leading zeros to make it w chars wide

    Number.prototype.padLZ = function(w) {
      var n = this.toString();
      for (var i=0; i<w-n.length; i++) n = '0' + n;
      return n;

Ported Version

  public String gridrefNumToLet(int e, int n, int digits) {

  // get the 100km-grid indices
  double e100k = Math.floor(e/100000), n100k = Math.floor(n/100000);

  if (e100k<0 || e100k>6 || n100k<0 || n100k>12) return null;

  // translate those into numeric equivalents of the grid letters
  double l1 = (19-n100k) - (19-n100k)%5 + Math.floor((e100k+10)/5);
  double l2 = (19-n100k)*5%25 + e100k%5;

  // compensate for skipped 'I' and build grid letter-pairs
  if (l1 > 7) l1++;
  if (l2 > 7) l2++;

  String letPair = String.valueOf(l1+"A".charAt(0))+ String.valueOf(l2+"A".charAt(0));

  // strip 100km-grid indices from easting & northing, and reduce precision
  e = (int) Math.floor((e%100000)/Math.pow(10,5-digits/2));
  n = (int) Math.floor((n%100000)/Math.pow(10,5-digits/2));

String gridRef = letPair + ' ' + e.padLz(digits/2) + ' ' + n.padLz(digits/2);

  return gridRef;

 // pad a number with sufficient leading zeros to make it w chars wide

    public String padLZ(String w) {
              String n = this.toString();
              for (int i=0; i< n.length(); i++) n = '0' + n;
              return n;

Replace e.padLz(digits/2) and n.padLz(digits/2) with padLz(e, digits/2) and padLz(n, digits/2), and then implement a method with a signature:

String padLz(int val, int digits) {

Pass your primitive int value into the padLz function as a parameter.


String padLz(int val, int digits) {

then consider using

org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils.leftPad("" + val, digits, '0');

or variations as found in

How can I pad an integers with zeros on the left?


private static String padLz (int val, int digits) {
    return org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils.leftPad("" + val, digits, '0');

System.out.println(padLz (2, 5));    --> 00002

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