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Select Distinct using a join

 select DISTINCT cid,cname,tid from colors c left join tags t on t.tname = c.cname; 


cid cname

1 red

2 blue

3 green


tid tname

1 red

2 red

3 blue

4 green

Current Result:

1 red 1

1 red 2

2 blue 3

3 green 4

Expected Result:

1 red 1

2 blue 3

3 green 4

This query should match your expected result

select cid,cname,tid
from colors c
left join tags t on t.tname = c.cname;
group by c.cid
    cid, cname, tid
    colors c
        left join
    tags t ON t.tname = c.cname
GROUP BY c.cname,c.cid,t.tid;

GROUP BY tag name

select DISTINCT cid,cname,tid
from colors c
left join tags t on t.tname = c.cname;
GROUP BY t.name

I dont have mysql to try this but this should help you. One more thing is you can not directly use tid into your query you need to take count of it.

select  cid, cname, count(tid)
    from Color c
    left join tags t on t.name = c.cname
GROUP BY cname;

here is sqlFiddle for it

Use group by

select cid,cname,tid
from colors c
left join tags t on t.tname = c.cname
group by cid,cname,tid;

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