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How to calculate the CPU load when viewing video (web-server on linux)

I have a shop of video courses. How to calculate the CPU load when viewing video (web-server on linux)?

You are asking for a kernel-internal value, so you won't have to compute anything, you just will query the kernel for that value.

Interactively you can use the top command, as Daniel stated in his comment.

Programmatically, top will be cumbersome. Instead, you can use uptime as a high level tool for this. Use uptime | { IFS=\\ , read abcdefghijklm; echo "$j"; } uptime | { IFS=\\ , read abcdefghijklm; echo "$j"; } uptime | { IFS=\\ , read abcdefghijklm; echo "$j"; } to only get the current load.

A little more lower level would be to use the proc file system. The file /proc/loadavg provides the information about the load. You can use cut -d' ' -f 1 /proc/loadavg to only get the current load.

For the smoothed-out average values of the load (there typically are given three values, the first is the current load, the two others are averages over long time periods), use $k or $l instead of $j in the uptime solution, and use -f 2 or -f 3 in the proc file system solution.

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