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In Python, how to get the sum and average while in a loop

I've managed to implement a loop but keep getting a syntax error when I try the sum function. I need the numbers input by the user to be totalled and the average given as well. This has to be outputted to the user. Could you please guide me on where to go from here, thank you.

This is what I've done so far:

while 1:
    NumCalc = input ("Enter Number :")
    if NumCalc == "done": break

This is what you can do if you want to compute the sum and the mean after the loop ends:

nums = []
while 1:
    NumCalc = input ("Enter Number:")
    if NumCalc == "done": break

print('Sum:', sum(nums), 'and average:', sum(nums)/len(nums))

While in a loop:

 s = 0.0 counter = 0 while 1: NumCalc = input("Enter Number: ") if NumCalc == "done": break NumCalc = float(NumCalc) s += NumCalc counter += 1 print('Sum is', s, 'and the mean is', s/counter) 


 Enter Number: 5 Sum is 5.0 and the mean is 5.0 Enter Number: 2 Sum is 7.0 and the mean is 3.5 Enter Number: 4 Sum is 11.0 and the mean is 3.66666666667 Enter Number: 6 Sum is 17.0 and the mean is 4.25 Enter Number: 2 Sum is 19.0 and the mean is 3.8 
i = 0
sum = 0
while 1:
    i += 1
    NumCalc = input ("Enter Number :")
    if NumCalc == "done": break
    sum = sum + NumCalc
    print "Average is ", sum/i

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