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Pass C# interfaces/classes to F#

I have an existing project written in C#. I would like to move part of its business logic to F#. MyObjectX is a C# class that runs scientific algorithms. For MyObjectX to run it needs to implement a couple of interfaces, and some dependencies that are injected via methods (not constructor). Example:

public class MyObjectX(): IMathSolver, IBusinessSolver
    //private fields
    private int operationMode;
    private ISignalProvider signal;

    //Inject dependcy via method
    public void SetSignalProvider(ISignalProvider signal)
        this.signal = signal;

    //implemention of above interfaces
    public double MethodMathSolver()

    public double Method1BusinessSolver()

    public double Method2MathSolver(IResultProvider provider)
        var x = provider.GetValueAtTime(0.1);

So now I would like to implement MyObjectX in F#. What is the best way to do that so i can be as functional as possible in my code?

  1. Make the existing C# MyObjectX behave as a wrapper/facade between the rest of C# classes and the F# library were the algorithms are implemented in F# modules.

  2. Write a F# class of MyObjectX class that implements the interfaces, and probably call other F# modules.

  3. Or non of them. please advise.

Also what is the best way to pass the dependencies of C# to F# like 'IResultProvider/ISignalProvider'? Do i need to use mutable variables that will get populated with the dependencies via functions in F#?

Please advise. if you can share a code sample i would be thankful.

I think you could choose between 1 and 2. These are certainly the two most reasonable approaches.

I think that the option 2 might be better, because the F# implementation can then stay in simple F# modules using the most idiomatic F# style (such as passing functions around as arguments). The idiomatic F# code is not always easy to use from C#, so if you wrap it in an F# class that implements the required C# interfaces, you are hiding the "F# details" from the C# code, which is good.

Have a look at:

FWIW, the (more or less) direct translation of MyObjectX is

type MyObjectX() =
    let mutable operationMode = 0
    let mutable sp : ISignalProvider = Unchecked.defaultof<ISignalProvider>

    member this.SetSignalProvider signal = sp <- signal

    interface IMathSolver with
        member this.MethodMathSolver () = 
        member this.Method2MathSolver provider =
            let x = provider.GetValueAtTime 0.1

    interface IBusinessSolver with
        member this.Method1BusinessSolver () = 0.0

although I had to guess at a couple of the interface definitions.

However, this isn't particularly functional . For more information about moving from an object-oriented to a functional mindset, see

So long as the interface is defined in an assembly referenced by the F# project you can just implement MyObjectX directly

type MyObjectX(signal : ISignalProvider) = 
   let mutable operationMode : int = 0;   // assuming this changes

   interface IMathSolver with 
       member x.GetMethodMathSolver() : double =
          // ... 
       member x.MethodBusinessSolver() : double = 

Take a look at the F# documentation. It is possible to create .NET classes and interfaces trivially and to use those within the language.

If you are looking to use IoC, you should have no problem injecting an F# implementation into a C# module and vice versa. Just have a play!

I'd say go for ( 1 ).

That way, you'll have make your life easier referencing F# from other F# code, and the wrapper should be trivial to write. That will aslo add a level of indirection, letting you change the C# interface or the F# code without affecting the other side of the system.

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