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XML output in proper format in python

The code is :

results = ET.Element("results")
machine = ET.SubElement(results,"machine")
mac = ET.SubElement(machine, "mac")
ip = ET.SubElement(machine,"ip")
name = ET.SubElement(machine,"name")
download = ET.SubElement(machine, "download")
upload = ET.SubElement(machine, "upload")
comments = ET.SubElement(machine, "comments")

for line in lines.split("\n"):
         if 'MAC' in line:
                mac = line.split(":")
                mac.text = str(mac[1].strip())
        if 'IP' in line:
                ip = line.split(":")
                ip.text = str(ip[1].strip())
        if 'NAME' in line:
                name = line.split(":")
                name.text = str(name[1].strip())
        if 'Download' in line:
                down = line.split(":")
                download.text = str(down[1].strip())
        if 'Upload' in line:
                up = line.split(":")
                upload.text = str(up[1].strip())
        if 'Comments' in line:
                user = line.split(":")
                comments.text = str(user[1].strip())

tree = ET.ElementTree(results)

The Actual stdout output that need to be converted into xml is

MAC             : 00:19:ec;dc;bc
IP              :
NAME            : 900, Charles
Download        : 36MB
Upload          : 12MB
comments        : Since total througput is very less, we cannot continue

MAC             : 00:19:ac:bc:cd:
IP              :
NAME            : 800, Babbage
Download        : 36MB
Upload          : 24MB
comments        : Since total througput is high, we can continue

The Actual format I need to be generating is

     <name>900, Charles</name>
     <comments>Since total througput is very less, we cannot continue</comments>
     <name>800, Babbage</name>
     <comments>Since total througput is high, we can continue</comments>

Output I am getting is

     <name>900, Charles</name>
     <comments>Since total througput is very less, we cannot continue</comments>
     <name>900, Charles</name>
     <comments>Since total througput is very less, we cannot continue</comments>

I am using python 2.4(it is old but cannot upgrade currently) . If somebody could suggest what is the mistake it would be great.

Thanks !

You're only creating your child elements once, and changing their contents each time you run through the loop.

Create the children inside the loop instead, each time you start to read a new machine. Maybe have a sentinel outside the loop and reset it when you hit a blank line.

You are only ever creating one instance of machine, which you are overwriting the contents of. Also the current code you have posted should throw the following error:

AttributeError: 'list' object has no attribute 'text'

To get around this you can create a new machine sub element each time you find a line that starts with "MAC".

keys = [

results = et.Element("results")
machines = []

for line in lines.split("\n":
    sp = line.split(" : ")
        key = sp[0].strip()
        val = sp[1].strip()
    except IndexError:

    if key == "MAC":
        elem = et.SubElement(machines[-1],"mac")
        elem.text = val
    elif key in keys:
        elem = et.SubElement(machines[-1],key.lower())
        elem.text = val

tree = et.ElementTree(results)

This should give the desired output.

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