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what does this regex expression mean - ^/Home/Ignore$|^/Ignore\.aspx$|^/Content/?

I have:

<add key="IgnorePathRegex" value="^/Home/Ignore$|^/Ignore\.aspx$|^/Content/" />

I need to change the value to /Uploads/Logos . At present I think it is /Home/Ignore/Content/ , but not totally sure.

Explanation of the regex:

^/Home/Ignore$   # Match if the entire string is /Home/Ignore
|                # or
^/Ignore\.aspx$  # Match if the entire string is /Ignore.aspx
|                # or
^/Content/       # Match if the string starts with /Content/

^ and $ are anchors ; if you want to add another option, just append it with | .

It currently matches the following:

/Content/* (anything under /Context/ including /Context)

If you want to add the /Uploads/Logos into the list:


Or, if you want only the /Uploads/Logos :


Answer to the question that is on title: Your regex has several paths checking which are or'd with pipe( | )

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