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Creating a nested JSON object from SQL results

I'm trying to figure out how to create a nested JSON object, something like this:

company: "Company 1",
pricing: {
    term: "1 year",
    price: "$4.95",

    term: "2 years",
    price: "3.95"

I have two tables in MySQL, one called plans which is structured in this fashion

| id |  company  |
|  2 | company 1 |

and another table plans_pricing to represent the pricing data

| id | plans_id |  term  | price | 
| 1  |   2      | 1 year | $4.95 |
| 2  |   2      | 2 years| $3.95 |

I am using Laravel 4 to query the database and create json to send back to my ajax request. Here is the query, which is currently sending a server 500 error.

public function results()
    $answers = $_POST['answers'];

    $data = DB::table('plans')
                ->join('plans_pricing', 'plans.id', '=', 'plans_pricing.plans_id')
                ->select('plans.company', 'plans_pricing.price', 'plans_pricing.term')
                ->whereIn('plans.id', $answers)

    echo json_encode($data);

I'm not sure why this query isn't working, but that isn't even why i'm asking this question. I need to know how to get a nested JSON object, when I create the join, I believe that I'll receive a separate object for each, like here:

 |     company     |  price  |  term  |
 |    company 1    |  4.95   | 1 year | 
 |    company 1    |  3.95   | 2 years|

How can I make this SQL query return a nested JSON object like the one I describe above? I have been stuck on this problem for two days now and could really use some guidance. Thanks


The server 500 error was fixed by changing echo json_encode to return Response::json($data);

I've never used Laravel but I think this should work:

$output = array();
$currentCompany = "";

foreach ($data as $datum) {
  if ($datum->company != $currentCompany) {
    $output[] = array();

    // get a reference to the newly added array element
    $currentItem = & $output[key($output)];

    $currentCompany = $datum->company;
    $currentItem['company'] = $currentCompany;
    $currentItem['rates'] = array();
  $currentItem['rates'][] = array("price" => $datum->price, "term" => $datum->term);

json_encoded result:

    "company":"company 1",
      "price":4.95,"term":"1 year"
      "price":3.95,"term":"2 years"

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