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Add items from arraylist to listview on button click

I have an arraylist List<Cars> myCars = new ArrayList<Cars>(); My MainActivity layout has a listview and a button. There is one more layout ("each_car.xml") and its content is as below:-

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<LinearLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
    android:orientation="vertical" >
        android:orientation="horizontal"  >

            android:text="TextView" />

            android:text="TextView" />

My Cars class has two fields,"name" and "manufacturer".

public class Cars{
    String name;
    String manufacturer;

I am populating this list(myCars) through an async-task. After the task is complete ie inside onPostExecute(), I am calling a method in my MainActivity which will populate a listview with the items in the list. Below is the method :-

public void populateListView(List<Cars> data){

    ArrayAdapter<Cars> carAdapter = new CarAdapter(MainActivity.this, data);
    ListView dataList = (ListView) findViewById(R.id.car_listView);

Below is my CarAdapter class :-

public class CarAdapter extends ArrayAdapter<Cars>{

    private LayoutInflater inflater;
    List<Cars> dummyData = new ArrayList<Cars>();
    MainActivity host;

    public CarAdapter(MainActivity host, List<Cars> data)
        inflater = host.getWindow().getLayoutInflater();
        dummyData = data;


    public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent)

        View itemView = convertView;

        if(itemView == null)
            itemView = inflater.inflate(R.layout.each_car,parent,false);

        Cars currentData = dummyData.get(position);
        Log.d("Testing Position","Position :- "+position);
        TextView carName = (TextView) itemView.findViewById(R.id.tv_carName);
        TextView carMaker = (TextView) itemView.findViewById(R.id.tv_carMaker);
        return itemView;

This is filling out the listview with the entire List (myCars) at once.

Problem :- I want to populate the listView with one item at a time when I click the button.I am not sure how should I modify my code.

create a button on main layout. Implement onclicklistener for the button and call populateListView() inside the onlick method.

Creat a new list. When you click a button add an item to a new list. call notifydatasetchanged(). When you click a button check whether the item is already added in the new list or not. Use newly created list in your adapter so that every time new item will be added.


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