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Stored procedure - Multiple string parameters with IN clause sql

i want to filter the rows using Stored procedure. below is my query

   Create PROCEDURE [dbo].[Test]      
   @SearchTerm VARCHAR(100)        

        Select * from master where name in (@SearchTerm)


In code behind,

    cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@SearchTerm", "peter")

when i run with above parameter, it's work fine.

but when i pass like this cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@SearchTerm", "'peter','rahul'")

this time no rows fetching.

i tried manually then also it's not working.

    exec Test ''peter','rahul''

Please help me, how to pass muliple string Using IN clause?

One method is

Create PROCEDURE [dbo].[Test]      
   @SearchTerm VARCHAR(100)        
      Select * from master where ','+@SearchTerm+',' like '%,'+name+',%'

You can find more methods at http://www.sommarskog.se/arrays-in-sql-2008.html

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