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how to replace pattern in multi-line in linux

Assume I have a file called text.txt In text.txt, I have a number of the following pattern:

 * @something

I want to replace this pattern to empty string. What is the easiest Linux command to do this?

  1. "grep" does not work because this is multi line pattern.
  2. I tried "sed", but I cannot get it worked.
  3. I guess "awk" may be easy for that, but "awk" seems so complicated and I am not familiar with "awk".

Suppose that our input file is:

$ cat text.txt
 * @something

We can filter out the comments with awk :

$ awk '/\/\*\*/ {c=1; next} /\*\*\// {c=0; next} c==0 {print}' text.txt

The awk works by having a variable as a flag called c . When we start, c=0 signaling that we are not in a comment. When the start-of-comment line appears, /** , we set c=1 . c stays at one until the next end-of-comment line, **/ , appears in which case c is set back to 0. The line is only printed out if c=0 . Anything, whatever the format, between the open and close comment lines is not printed.

The code is a funny looking because both / and * are active characters to awk . So, they both need to be escaped with backlashes. Thus, for example, the regular expression to look for the start-of-comment line looks like \\/\\*\\* while the regular expression for end-of-comment looks like \\*\\*\\/ .

More complex input files

Suppose the input file has a more complex structure such as illustrated in JS's example:

$ cat file
 * @something
**/ random
hi /**
 * @something
**/ bye

We can handle this with awk as follows:

$ awk -v RS='\\*\\*/\n*' '{sub(/\n*\/\*\*.*/,"",$0); print $0}' file

The above was tested with GNU awk . Since it uses a multi-character record separator, it may not work with older versions of awk .

While awk normally reads a file line by line, in our version above we have set the record separator, RS , to match the end of a comment. Then, we delete everything from the comment start to the end of the record and print the record.

Here is a simple awk to remove the text from, to a given pattern:

cat file
 * @something

awk '/\*\*\//{f=0} f; /\/\*\*/{f=1}' file
 * @something

When you do not like to include START/END pattern, this is one of the most simple awk to handle this:

awk '/END/{f=0} f; /START/{f=1}'

Using GNU awk for multi-char RS to read the whole file as one string:

If you specifically want to remove just the string you posted, that'd be:

$ cat file
 * @something
**/bar and more/**
 * @something

$ awk -v RS='^$' -v ORS= -v pat='/**
 * @something
**/' '{
    while ( s=index($0,pat) ) {
        $0 = substr($0,1,s-1) substr($0,s+length(pat))
}' file
foobar and morestuff

or if you actually just want to remove everything between each occurrence of /** and / all you need is:

awk -v RS='/[*][*][^/]+/' -v ORS= '1' file
foobar and morestuff
cat text.txt | egrep -v "[/]" | egrep -v "[*] @" > newtext.txt


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