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Folder upload for browers other than chrome and opera

I want to support folder upload option.

input type="file" name="files[]" multiple directory webkitdirectory mozdirectory

This works in chrome and opera and not elsewhere. I know its not supported by FF. But is there a way to do so. I came across the zipping option here( Select directory for HTML5 multiple file input in Firefox? ) as well but I dont want it that way. Can someone suggest a way to start off with this, so that I can support/simulate folder upload in FF/IE.

Folder upload is now supported by Firefox (as of version 50, released on 15 November 2016). The developer notes are here:


Folder upload it already supported by Microsoft Edge browser (the replacement for Internet Explorer). It is documented, with PI calls, here:


As Chrome and Opera have already supported folder upload for a long time, the last remaining major browser that does not support folder upload is Safari.

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