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Shunting Yard algorithm issue

So here's my Code:

public double evaluate(){

        Stack numbers = new Stack();
        Stack operators = new Stack();

        String[] divert = {};
        String problem = "2 + 2 + 3";

        divert = problem.split(" ");

        for(int i = 0; i < divert.length; i++){

            if(divert[i].equals("*") || divert[i].equals("/")|| divert[i].equals("+") || divert[i].equals("-")){
                if(operators.peek().equals("*") || operators.peek().equals("/")){
                    int a = Integer.parseInt((String)numbers.pop());
                    int b = Integer.parseInt((String)numbers.pop());
                    String operand = (String)operators.pop();
                    numbers.push(doMath(b, operand, a));

                else if ( divert[i].equals("+") || divert[i].equals("-")){

            } else {

            int a = Integer.parseInt((String)numbers.pop());
            int b = Integer.parseInt((String)numbers.pop());
            String operand = (String)operators.pop();
            numbers.push(doMath(a, operand, b));
        double endNumber = (double)numbers.pop();
        return endNumber;

I keep getting weird errors, one telling me that the if(operators.peek().equals... bit in the nested if statement returns an EmptyStackException. I get another error while trying to cast the popped number (endNumber) off to return it. I get an issue with casting that as a double.

If someone would look at this and tell me what is the problems and any possible way to resolve the issue, that would be great because I really don't understand why it's giving me these errors.

I know that removing the divert[i].equals("+")/("-") removes the issue for the first error, but that isn't very conductive to what I'm doing.

For the problem with doubles use the generics capability of Stack

Stack<Double> numbers = new Stack<Double>();

this will ensure only Doubles are stored on the stack. The auto unboxing (converts doubles to Doubles and visa-versa) feature means you should be able to do

double x = 5.0;
double y = numbers.pop();

For good form also use

Stack<String> operator;

For testing the operator stack use

if( !operators.empty() && (operators.peek().equals("*") || operators.peek().equals("/")) )

ie test if the stacks is not empty before peeking.

Also check the order you popping numbers off the stack, in the code at the end. I've a feeling you will have problems with "5 - 3".

Also you always want to push the current operator. It looks like a "*" or "/" will never get pushed.

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