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Comparing Scala and Java Double.NaN

Why does this comparison evaluate to true ?

scala> Double.NaN equals java.lang.Double.NaN
res5: Boolean = true

But this one evaluates to false ?

scala> Double.NaN == java.lang.Double.NaN
res6: Boolean = false

aside: this interesting Twitter thread prompted me to ask this question

This is not about Scala's NaN vs. Java's -- there is only one NaN:

scala> val a = Double.NaN
a: Double = NaN

scala> val b = java.lang.Double.NaN
b: Double = NaN

Nor is it about there being two objects with the same value. It's about the definition of NaN . Two NaNs are not == because that's the way NaN is defined -- it is not a number , but rather a special value that means "undefined." If you have two of those, how would you know whether they are equal? For example:

scala> val x = 0.0 / 0.0
x: Double = NaN

scala> val y = Math.sqrt(-1)
y: Double = NaN

scala> x == y
res9: Boolean = false

Fortunately they are not ==; they are not numbers whose values you can compare.

As for x.equals(y) , well, why would you do that in Scala? But given that you did, you are running into the bit of Java weirdness that IK pointed us to the docs for. Let's demonstrate it:

public class Foo {
  public static void main( String[] args ) {
    double nan1 = 0.0 / 0.0;        Double box1 = nan1;
    double nan2 = Math.sqrt(-1);    Double box2 = nan2;
    System.out.println( nan1 == nan2 );         // false, as expected
    System.out.println( box1.equals(box2) );    // true -- WTF???

Double.NaN is the same as java.lang.Double.NaN , as AmigoNice already said. It's a Double (or double in Java terms). So using == on it is the same as == in Java and returns false for two NaNs, as expected. However, using equals forces the compiler to box both sides to java.lang.Double , and Double.equals is defined to return true in this case (which I just learned and which surprised me).

scala> Double.NaN equals java.lang.Double.NaN
res5: Boolean = true

This evaluates to true because Double.NaN is equivalent to java.lang.Double.NaN . Consequently, the equals method for java.lang.Double is called. According to the Java documentation , for two doubles , d1 and d2, if d1 and d2 both represent Double.NaN , then the equals method returns true , even though the value should be false according to IEEE specification.

scala> Double.NaN == java.lang.Double.NaN
res6: Boolean = false

This evaluates to false because Scala's == operator follows the IEEE specification. It does not call down to the Java == operator. Also, NaN is not a number as mentioned by @AmigoNico. It is a place holder for a large number of "invalid" values. There is no way of knowing whether two NaN's are equal, because they could be represented by two different "invalid" values.

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