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Using boost strings algorithms with iterators

I have a string defined with 2 iterators. I want to check, if it ends with some string. Now my code looks like


Is there some way to execute this function without constructing a string? Something like



 std::string s = "something";
 bool b = boost::algorithm::ends_with( &s[0], "g");  // true

Iterator can be used to construct a range as well:

#include <boost/range.hpp>

std::string s = "somet0hing";
std::string::iterator it = s.begin();
bool b = boost::algorithm::ends_with( 
                        boost::make_iterator_range( it, s.end()), "g");  // true


std::string s = "somet0hing";
std::string::iterator it = s.begin();
bool b = boost::algorithm::ends_with( &(*it), "g");  // true

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