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Creating shared library through g++ how to

Where is the official "how to" about creating and understanding technics used in dynamic library. I'm using g++ compiler. I've googled this question but I can't find anything official about this.

you can create shared library easily for example..

i have sample program for multiplication like multiplyNum.cpp

The -fpic option tells g++ to create position independent code which is needed for shared libraries. my source file reside in src/ folder.

> g++ -I ./inc -fpic -c src/multiplyNum.cpp -o obj/multiplyNum.o

Finally the shared library is created. Note the library name must start with the three letters lib and have the suffix .so .

> g++ -shared -o lib/libmultiplyNum.so obj/multiplyNum.o

You can use now libmultiplyNum.so library in your makefile.

我还建议阅读著名的Drepper论文: 如何编写共享库

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