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Cannot import shared library with g++

i made a shared library, linked it to a main program, but this main program cannot see any of the shared library methods, nor import it's headers. This is what i did:

  1. I compiled each cpp file of the library in position independent code
 g++ -c -fPIC -o objname.o objname.cpp -I"HeadersFolder" 
  1. I created the shader library, and it is correctly created with the right name in my main directory
 g++ -shared -o libmylib.so obj1.o obj2.o etc.. etc.. 
  1. I'm trying to compile a simple main with:
 g++ main.cpp -L. -lmylib 

Now in this main i imported one of the lib headers, something like:

#include <Header.hpp>

And g++ tells me no such file or directory.

"Now in this main i imported one of the lib headers, something like: ..."

You also need to add the -I option to compile main.cpp in this case:

g++ main.cpp -I"HeadersFolder" -L. -lmylib

Also you should use

#include "Header.hpp" // Note the quotes "

the angle brackets ( <> ) are for including system headers (that could possibly collide with your own when the preprocessor evaluates them).

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