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Converting Varchar Date to Datetime

I know when you see topic you said this question asked before but mine is different. I have a db and a table Date1. Date1 is varchar and i keep date in dd.mm.yyyy format(104). in my form i have two datetimepicker : date1 and date2 . when click submit button i cant get information between two dates. it gives conversion error. I wrote this sql command. can you solve problem?

SqlDataAdapter adtr = new SqlDataAdapter("select * from EvrakArsiv where 
CONVERT(DATETIME,KAYITTARIHI,104)>='"+tbIlkTarih.Value.ToString("dd.mm.yyyy")+"' and 

In .NET the mm in a DateTime format string means minutes , not months. You want MM , with capital M. Otherwise you get the minutes part of your System.DateTime which is likely 00 (whole hour).

So change:




and similarly for the other control.

See Custom Date and Time Format Strings .

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