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Not Unique Table Alias error in java

I have 2 tables:

error table

id, loc, no, mesg, psg, stu, auth

user table

id, name, sname, ptg

id's are primary keys, ptg and psg have same records,

And this is my SQL syntax that I use in Swing project,

String SQL = SELECT error.id, user.name, user.sname, error.loc, error.no, error.msg 
                FROM error, user
                WHERE error.stu = '1'
                AND (user.ptg = error.psg AND error.auth = '5'

Error is:

com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLSyntaxErrorException: Not unique table/alias: 'error'

There are several errors in this query. The first, and most important, is the JOIN clause without a condition:

"FROM error, user"

When you wish to join two tables using a comma instead of a JOIN command, put your linking condition in the WHERE clause:

"FROM error, user WHERE error.userid = user.id"

Second error is the double quote (") after '1'. Remove it.

Third error is the unclosed bracket "(" in the last line. Remove it.

Try this and post here the results.


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