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qsort an array of strings, compare

I am trying to figure out how to use qsort with an array of strings. My code looks like this.

char words[500][256];

int numOfWords; // this is calculated above

int sortWordList() {
    int length = sizeof(words) / sizeof(char *);
    qsort(words, length, sizeof(char*), compare);


int compare (const void * a, const void * b ) {
    const char *pa = *(const char**)a;
    const char *pb = *(const char**)b;

    return strcmp(pa,pb);

However, I get a "Access violation reading location 0x###.." everytime and I dont know whats wrong. Can anyone spot my problem?

EDIT: Thanks for the wonderful help. You guys are always the best.

You are not casting your const void * to const char * properly, to do so, use instead:

const char *pa = (const char *)a;
const char *pb = (const char *)b;

Plus compare() should be above sortWordList() as you're using it in sortWordList() .

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