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sorting an array of strings using qsort

So i have an array of strings called nova_str[50][1024] and what i want is to sort it using qsort the problem is that its not sorting anything.

My output:

* fcb
* bvb

Correct output:

* bvb
* fcb

as you can see the array isnt being sorted and i cant dont know why, so any help would be appreciated.


#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>

int string_cmp (const void * a, const void * b ) {
    const char * pa = *(const char * const * ) a;
    const char * pb = *(const char * const * ) b;

    return strcmp(pa,pb);

void print_array(char array[][1024], int len) 
    int i;
    for(i=0; i<len; i++)
        printf("* %s\n",array[i]);


int main(void)
    char nova_str[50][1024];
    qsort(nova_str,1, sizeof(char *)*1024, string_cmp);

This will work.

// You are getting a pointer from qsort, not a pointer to a pointer.
int string_cmp (const void * a, const void * b ) {
    const char * pa = (const char *) a;
    const char * pb = (const char *) b;

    return strcmp(pa,pb);

void print_array(char array[][1024], int len) 
    int i;
    for(i=0; i<len; i++)
        printf("* %s\n",array[i]);


int main(void)
    char nova_str[50][1024];
    // the size is 2, not 1
    // you also want the correct size of the elements
    // getting the size of the first element will ensure this
    qsort(nova_str,2, sizeof(nova_str[0]), string_cmp);

I hope that this helps.

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