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JavaScript Surround quotes around a single string in multi lines

My string is somewhat like this :

    <transType type='stocks'>
      <criteria result='401kContribution' priority='0'>
        <field compare='contains' name='description'></field>
      <criteria result='401kContribution' priority='1'>
        <field compare='contains' name='description'></field>

I need to take this and paste it in eclipse as a string , I know eclipse has an option to escape multi line strings and all, but that gives me the string as with "\\n \\r" Which I don't want .

My ideal string would be just the Double quotes and a + at the end of each line somewhat like this.

var res= "<rules>"+

While preserving the indentation. So I am looking at regex.

So I guess finding ^(.*)$ and replacing with "$1" + should have done the job but it doesn't work .

Have a look at the fiddle. :


Thanks in advance.

This seems to work:


What I did

  • added the multiline m switch
  • removed the empty line in the text. Looks like regexr has problems with that.

I'd try with this:

'var res = "' + xml.replace(/\r?\n\s*/g, '" +\r\n\t"') + '";';

But remember that Javascript does allow multiline strings. Just put a backslash at the end of each line:


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