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winsock2 sending and receiving

I've search forum but could not find proper answer for my problem. I'm going to make little logg-in procedure so I want send data being in edit box as login, then send data being in second edit box as password.

int ldata2 = send(Socket, buffs, len, 0);//send login via socket
//send pass via socket
int passData = send(Socket, buffPass, lenPass, 0);

Above instructions are handled by client off course. On server-side when i call recv ie this way:

int dt = recv(SocketM[i], 

                        int errsock = WSAGetLastError();
                        if(errsock != WSAEWOULDBLOCK && errsock != 0)
                            std::cout << "ERR CODE " << errsock;
                        int passdt = recv(SocketM[i],
                        std::cout << strings << std::endl;//Log and Password in the same buff :(
                        std::cout << passstrings //nothing in buffer why?

I get in value string data from buffs and data from buffPass instead of only from buffs for exaple: if in Log-in edit box was "Log" and in Pass edit box- "Pass" i get LogPass but i want seperate data from log to one string and data from pass to second. Please help me Please help me.

TCP is a byte-stream protocol. If you want to separate messages, it is up to you to do so, via separator characters, length-word prefixes, self-describing protocols like XML, type-length-value protocols, ...

NB it isn't valid to check WSAGetLastError() unless there was an error: ie in this case if recv() returned -1.

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