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How can I monitor a Python process and relaunch if it dies?

I have a program that I'm running that listens to a queue (it's not multi-threaded so I want to run several instances of it). I've tried my best to catch errors but in the event the app crashes due to a error or bad incoming data, I want to be able to respawn the Python app (after I log the stacktrace) so it continues to work.

I felt this might be a common problem for people who run python based services so I thought I would ask but I was thinking of writing some code to do a ps -ef and count the instances of the name of the Python program (if less than a threshold then I would have the program relaunch it).

Before I build this, I wanted to know if there was perhaps a better way or a existing tool/module that did this?

Checkout supervisord . I use it regularly to launch, monitor all types of things.

Here is how I set it up to launch a wsgi app on my server:

directory = /var/www/quizzes.seasources.net
command = /home/jaime/code/virtualenv/quizzes/bin/uwsgi uwsgi.ini
process_name = quizzes
autostart = true
startsecs = 5
user = www-data
redirect_stderr = true
stdout_logfile = /var/www/quizzes.seasources.net/logs/supervisor-console.log
environment = PYTHON_EGG_CACHE=/tmp/python-eggs

The configuration file format is easy to understand and it even logs stdout/stderr to a file. Above it's /var/www/quizzes.seasources.net/logs/supervisor-console.log You can read more about configuration here .

You could use a supervisor. A well known one that's written in Python would be supervisord , a more recent one also in Python would be Circus , and then there are Monit or daemontools and probably many more.

If you are looking for something more simple, you can use the subprocess module (python default) to start and check your processes... A basic version would look like this:

# run.py

import subprocess, time

# add your listener processor call here
_PROCESS_ARGS = ['python','/path/to/listener.py']

process_list = []

# start the processes...
for i in range(_PROCESS_TOTAL):     

while True:     
    for i in range(_PROCESS_TOTAL):         
        p = process_list[i]         
            if p.poll() != None: # check if process is running                      
                process_list[i] = subprocess.Popen(_PROCESS_ARGS) # if not, replace with new one
    time.sleep(1) # check only every second...

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