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How to call a variable from one java class in a different class

I ran into an issue, where I need to call a variable created in one java class in another java class.


public class Course {
   public String courseName;


    public class SecondCourse {
        Course courseName;

    public void setUp() throws Exception {
        courseName = new Course();

Eventhough, I have set up it like this, the varible call doesn't work in SecondCourse.java Class. Have I missed something? Can you help me?

I'm trying to call


in the SecondCourse.java class. But gives me the error sendKeys(java.lang.CharSequence...) in org.openqa.selenium.WebElement cannot be applied

First of all you define in your Course.java class

public class Course
    public static String courseName; //Define variable as static here

Access that variable in any class using class name

Course.courseName = "abc"; // /Access this variable 

Course courseName of SecondCourse defines a member field of type Course - it does not correspond to String courseName of Course . You can, if you want, access the courseName string of the Course object stored in courseName Course of SecondCourse using courseName.courseName .

Simply In SecondCourse.java

       public class SecondCourse {
            Course obj = new Course(); // creates new obj for Course class

        public void setUp() throws Exception {
            //courseName = new Course(); //You won't need this.
        system.out.println("Here is how your obj can be called "+ obj.courseName);

Not 100% sure what your overall goal is, but this might prove helpful.

public class Course {
    private String courseName;

    public Course(String courseName) {

    public String getCourseName() {
        return this.courseName;

public class SecondCourse {
    private Course course;

    public SecondCourse(String courseName) {
        course=new Course(courseName);

    public void setup() {
        String courseName=course.getCourseName();
         * Do something with courseName

The Course class initialize and grants access to it's courseName variable and the Second Course does additional work on the course using the functionality given by the Course class.

In addition this post on encapsulation may prove useful.

Use Course.courseName , u will be able to access the other class variable. Hope it helps. Thanks.

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