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I'm getting error when I try to include JacksonSoft.CustomTabControl in c# winform application

Hi guys I'm developing a SQLite Inspector and I want use this tabcontrol. I have included it in the project and in design time works great. But in Runtime JIT raise an error in InitializeComponent()
This is the Message

Impossibile caricare il file o l'assembly 'JacksonSoft.CustomTabControl, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=53c237210c7e462d' o una delle relative dipendenze. Tentativo di caricare un programma con un formato non corretto.

And this is the StackTrace

   in SQLiteInspector.Form1.InitializeComponent()
   in SQLiteInspector.Form1..ctor() in c:\Users\Fabio\Desktop\Visual studio prjects\C#\SQLiteInspector\SQLiteInspector\Form1.cs:riga 17

This is happening because the DLL downloaded is 32-bit but you are running on a 64-bit machine with an exe flagged as either x64 or AnyCPU.

To fix this either:

  • Download the source for the control and build it yourself as "AnyCPU"
  • Change your exe to "x86"

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