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Python Command Line Checkboxes

I am new to Python 2.7 but I was wondering if it is possible to have checkboxes that are selectable by a user via the command line.

The only example I know of is yeoman (below) but its probably not written in Python.


Thank You

Have a look at the python-inquirer package.

To make a checkbox list you can do something like this:

import inquirer

questions = [inquirer.Checkbox(
    message="What are you interested in?",
    choices=['Computers', 'Books', 'Science', 'Nature', 'Fantasy', 'History'],
answers = inquirer.prompt(questions)  # returns a dict

No, it is generally not. For an easy gui look up easy gui , or you might be looking for raw input , where you can type your answer, for example

Want to do something? (Y/N)_ Y

There is beaupy , which allows you to do something like this:

from beaupy import select_multiple
pizza_toppings = select_mutliple(['pineapple', 'olives', 'anchovies', 'mozzarella', 'parma ham']

Note: I am a maintainer of beaupy and this is nothing short of shameless self-promotion.

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