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Modifying JDK Path for Oracle SQL Developer in Ubuntu

I have Oracle SQL Developer installed at the following location:


Every time I run it using the command ./sqldeveloper , I get the following error from the GUI:

You are attempting to run with Java 1.6.0_31. Running this product is supported with a minimum Java version of 1.7.0_51 and less than 1.8

I updated the sqldeveloper.conf file with the following paths:




And despite all that, same error again.

Configure Path to Java

SQL-Developer needs to know how to find your Java Developer Kit:

Note: You need to specify /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk-i386 on 32-bit OS installations.


cd $HOME

mkdir -p .sqldeveloper

cd $HOME/.sqldeveloper

echo "/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk" > jdk

I know I am a bit late with the response, but I had exactly the same issue until this morning.

What I did is changed: ~/.sqldeveloper/4.0.0/product.conf

How I figure it out:
1. Go to OracleSQLDeveloper -> Help(menu) -> Properties
2. Find 'java.home'
(For some reason it was pointing to /usr/lib/jdk1.7.0 (ver 1.7.45), even I've changed sqldeveloper.conf)
3. Since I didn't recognized that specific version, I just ran:
sudo "find / .... -name '*.conf' -exec grep 'jdk1.7.0' ..."


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