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how to get primary key id of a registered email

i have a problem on my project im currently working on and this is my Email controller i want to get the id of an email registered in my database

      if ($this->getRequest()->isPost()) {

        $formData = $this->getRequest()->getPost();

        if ($form->isValid($formData)) {
        $imail = $form->getValue('email');
            $users = new Application_Model_DbTable_Users();
            $row = $users->fetchRow($users->select('uid')->where('email = ".$imail."'));

        /*  if ($row == 1) {
                    $token = uniqid(mt_rand(), true);
                    $userpass = new Application_Model_DbTable_Password();
                    $userpass->addToken($uid , $token);
                } else { $this->view->errorMessage = "Email not registered"; }

i just need to get the id to be able to shift to my next function but i cant do it also i think this might be unrelated but i did this on pure php and it works fine

       if (isset($_POST['submit'])) {

    $email = $_POST['email'];

    $getemail = mysql_query("SELECT `uid` FROM `users` WHERE `email` ='$email'");

    $resemail = mysql_num_rows($getemail);

        if ($resemail == 0) {

            echo "Email id is not registered";


            $token = uniqid(mt_rand(), true);

            $getoken = mysql_query("INSERT INTO `password_recovery` (`uid`,`token`) VALUES ((SELECT `uid` FROM `users` WHERE `email` = '$email'),'$token') ");

how can i do this logic in zendframework 1 thank you

Solution of Jehad Keriaki is correct, but unsafe. Use prepared statement syntax instead, for example:

$row = $users->fetchRow($users->select('uid')->where('email = ?', $imail));

It will protect you from SQL injection attack.

Try changing

$row = $users->fetchRow($users->select('uid')->where('email = ".$imail."'));


$row = $users->fetchRow($users->select('uid')->where('email = "$imail"'));

I think the issue is with the dots, which you still can use as:

$row = $users->fetchRow($users->select('uid')->where('email = "'.$imail.'"'));

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