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bash: how to display the name of the first directory that contains a certain file

I have this:

ls */file
dir1/file dir2/file dir3/file

But I need just the first directory name, like this: dir1

I did this:

IFS="/" read foo bar <<< "$(ls */file 2>/dev/null)"
echo $foo

And it works, but now I have a problem with subshell expansion over ssh . Is there a more elegant way (without subshells or sed ) to do this?

If not, I'll then post a question regarding a completely different issue - expanding subshells over ssh .

for F in */file; do


F=(*/file); D=${F%%/*}


ls */file | cut -d"/" -f1

Use / as a separator.

You can use the tricky Double quotes! Like so:

LIST=`ls */file`
echo "$LIST" | cut -d/ -f1


echo "$LIST" | awk -F/ {'print $1'}

You can use builtin read bulletin with -d option:

read -d '/' a < <(echo */file)
echo "$a"

If you just need the name of the folder you can use :

$ls -1 | awk 'NR==n'

Where n=1 is the first directory, you can change the value of n to get the nth Directory.

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