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Simple asymmetric encryption algorithm

I want to implement simple asymmetric encryption algorithm using javascript (or reuse open library). I don't want to use RSA (or other algorithms), because they are complicated. All I want to do is illustrated in following pseudo code:

var encryptor = new AsymEncript();
var encrypted = encryptor.encrypt("hello world", "public key string");
var decrypted = encryptor.decrypt(encrypted, "private secret key");

I don't want to deal with complicated libraries such as pidCrypt, jsencrypt. I need a really simple algorithm, which allow me to create public\\private key pair. Then I can use this pair for encryption.
Can you point me out to some articles or some ideas how this can be implemented?

From your equations:

You arrive at this:
x=f(x)*pKey => x=x*pubKey*pKey => pubKey = 1/pKey

This seems like a very weak algorithm (unless I misunderstood you somehow).

If you really care about your security, you should go with some wrapper library that does RSA (or some other algorithm) for you in a simple manner.

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