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Issue with installing anki on Ubuntu 14.10

I installed anki on my Ubuntu 14.10 machine with no errors (using dpkg -i ). When I run it as a normal user I get following error.

~/software$ anki
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/bin/anki", line 5, in <module>
    import aqt
  File "/usr/share/anki/aqt/__init__.py", line 6, in <module>
    import optparse
  File "/opt/epd/lib/python2.7/optparse.py", line 418, in <module>
    _builtin_cvt = { "int" : (_parse_int, _("integer")),
  File "/opt/epd/lib/python2.7/gettext.py", line 566, in gettext
    return dgettext(_current_domain, message)
  File "/opt/epd/lib/python2.7/gettext.py", line 530, in dgettext
  File "/opt/epd/lib/python2.7/gettext.py", line 465, in translation
    mofiles = find(domain, localedir, languages, all=1)
  File "/opt/epd/lib/python2.7/gettext.py", line 428, in find
    val = os.environ.get(envar)
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'environ'

However, when I run it as root (using sudo ) it works fine with no errors. I would prefer to not run it as root. How can I go about diagnosing this?

The error message indicates that you're loading a module called os that doesn't contain environ.

This shouldn't be the case if you are loading the usual os module.

Check where this faulty os module is coming from.

You may try running anki with python -v and inspect the output

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