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cx_Freeze : Python error in main script

I want to create an executable of my script with cx_freeze.

I use steup.py:

import sys 
from cx_Freeze import setup, Executablesetup(
name = "balance",
version = "3.1",
description = "exported data integral",
executables = [Executable("balance1.py", base = "Win32GUI")])

Next I run it in cmd. And then when i start .exe in build folder i get :在此处输入图片说明

Im using Pyzo distribution.

What may couse such error ?

There is an error in cx_freeze version that installs using pip.

Download prepackaged version from here (choose appropriate for your system version): http://www.lfd.uci.edu/~gohlke/pythonlibs/#cx_freeze

Install 'wheel' using pip:

pip install wheel

And then install downloaded whl file using pip:

pip install cx_freeze_xxx.whl

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