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c++ pass formatted string as argument to a function

OK, this really shouldn't be difficult, but after several attempts, I didn't find any solution.

How can one go about passing a formatted string to a function in 1 line? I want to have a simple method that I can use for logging/debugging purposes, something like this:

void debug(string s){
    if (DEBUG) cerr << s;

I would like to be able to send formatted strings to this function, something like this:

debug("reading %s" % fname);

My main goal is to put as much functionality in the debug method so I can make life somewhat easier whenever I want to write stuff to stderr.

printf solutions seem to need a lot of code for simple formatting and boost::format seems to return some vague type that cannot be easily used as an argument without always including some .str() stuff.

Am I too lazy to be a C++ programmer or is there a neat way of accomplishing this goal that I have yet to discover?

You can define a macro around fprintf using __VA_ARGS__:

#define DBGLOG(format, ...) if(DEBUG){ fprintf(stderr, "%s -- %d -- ", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); fprintf(stderr, format, ##__VA_ARGS__);}

This will, if DEBUG is true, output the function name and line number followed by whatever you wanted to print.


DBGLOG("%d\n", some_integer);

This will prepend the function and line number to the integer value and print it out.

You can write a function that takes in the format and passes it to your other function:

void debug( std::string s )
    if (DEBUG) cerr << s; 

void debug( boost::format format )
     debug( format.str() );

The normal C++ solution here is a bit different: your debug function should return a wrapper around std::cerr (or any other output stream), something like:

class OStreamWrapper
    std::ostream* myStream;
    OStreamWrapper( std::ostream* init ) : myStream( init ) {}
    template <typename T>
    OStreamWrapper& operator<<( T const& value )
        if ( myStream != nullptr ) {
            *myStream << value;

    return OStreamWrapper( DEBUG ? &std::cerr : nullptr );

You then use it:

debug() << "reading " << fname << '\n';

This has the added advantage that the actual conversions necessary to format the output aren't done unless debug is active.

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