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open multiple websites in selenium on python

Is possible to create a list of web pages and open this list with python loop script? I trying something like this but after first site fail and selenium say:

selenium.common.exceptions.WebDriverException: Message: u'Session [1e42078b-f999-4a16-9b36-0c7281c95d44] was terminated due to CLIENT_STOPPED_SESSION' ; Stacktrace: 

And here is my small script

from selenium import webdriver

fox = webdriver.Remote(desired_capabilities={
            "browserName": "phantomjs",
            "platform": "LINUX",

sites = ['google.com', 'yahoo.com']

for s in sites:
    adrs = "http://" + str(s)
    snap = s.split('.')[0]
    fox.save_screenshot(snap +'.png')

The fox.quit() call should not happen in the loop, it should be called after:

for s in sites:
    adrs = "http://" + str(s)
    snap = s.split('.')[0]
    fox.save_screenshot(snap +'.png')

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