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Timeout not working in ajax post request

I am not able to make ajax error callback function of after 3 seconds. I tried with timeout, but it will not switch to error callback after specified time! I am not able to get the alert Got timeout .

When I referred similar questions in this site with similar problems it didn't helped out. They all use ajax GET type. I am using jquery 1.10.1 library.

script :

  type: 'POST',
  timeout: 3000,
  url : "http://mydomain/Services.asmx/Best_Scores",
  dataType: "text",
  data: "strJsonRequest="+scoredata,
  success: function (data) {
    // Success code ...
  error: function (data, textStatus, errorThrown) {
    if(textStatus == "timeout") {
      alert("Got timeout");

Any solution ?

Fix :

Change async : false to async: true

Reason :

A synchronous AJAX call blocks until the request has been finished. Implementing a timeout is not possible for technical reasons, because the AJAX call would have to be executed later.

If an AJAX call is executed later, the function somehow has to implement a blocking feature, to stop the code from running further after the AJAX call, and execute it again after a timeout - not possible.

Today, (in 2019) I still have this problem.

I have an ajax call too long (depending from Date Start-> Date End) php script.

and after some minutes I get error 500, async: true don't help.

The call is:

    type: "GET",
    dataType: 'json',
    url: 'mymscript.php',
    data: $('[name="myForm"]').serialize(),
success: function(response){

I resolved using: side PHP:


at begin of script.

echo ' ';

in the middle of script (for example in main loop every day). This help to let client to don't disconnect (I think that is the main problem).

Using this I continuosly write spaces befor the final json. Fortunately jquery trim spaces before to parse the json and, in the end, the json is valid.

So I can catch response object to know if script is ended with errors or warnings.

I Hope this help somebody.

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