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Creating a variable number of class instances

My Class:

class myClass:

I am looking to recreate this effect:

x = myClass()
y = myClass()
z = myClass()

within a for loop because the number of times I need to loop will be varied each time.

Trying this:

x = 3
for i in range(x):
    cls = myClass()

doesn't work because on each iteration I recreate the class instance.

My thinking is that on each loop I need to create a copy of the class and store that in a dict for referencing. So my questions are:

  1. Is this the right approach?
  2. How do I create a copy of a class?

My attempts to create a class so far have been unsuccessful as the class isn't totally individual.

x = deepcopy(cls)

CopyOfCls = type('CopyOfCls', cls.__bases__, dict(cls.__dict__))

EDIT: Answerers revealed that I was actually looking at creating multiple class instances.

You don't need to copy a class to make multiple instances of that class.

items = []
for i in range(10):

items now contains ten separate myClass instances. You can access them individually with indexing, ex. items[3] .

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