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How to generate all possible words

I'm new to programming (C#).

The application is a 'words generator'.

What I'm looking for is a for loop that can generate all possible words with the characters in a given array of characters.

The details:

I have a List<char> = { A,a,6,w,# } (The length may vary)

I want to generate all possible words (for example: 4 letters length ) with this character set. This options should generate 5 characters & 4 letters = 5*5*5*5 = 625 words .

All generated words should be every possible combination of the given letters only

NOTE: Some might tell me that i should use a solution called ( Permutations of a String/Integer ) this method seems to be fine if the required words length is same as given characters length, but in my case i might give the application 100 characters, But i want it to generate all possible words -> 4 letters length (Example: MaRk, M@rK,m4rK...)

You could use an IEnumerable<String> method:

public IEnumerable<String> GenerateStrings (IEnumerable<char> characters, int length) {
    if(length > 0) {
        foreach(char c in characters) {
            foreach(String suffix in GenerateStrings(characters,length-1)) {
                yield return c+suffix;
    } else {
        yield return string.Empty;

Result with csharp (interactive C# shell):

csharp> Foo.GenerateStrings(new char[] {'A','a','6','w','#'},3)
{ "AAA", "AAa", "AA6", "AAw", "AA#", "AaA", "Aaa", "Aa6", "Aaw", "Aa#", "A6A", "A6a", "A66", "A6w", "A6#", "AwA", "Awa", "Aw6", "Aww", "Aw#", "A#A", "A#a", "A#6", "A#w", "A##", "aAA", "aAa", "aA6", "aAw", "aA#", "aaA", "aaa", "aa6", "aaw", "aa#", "a6A", "a6a", "a66", "a6w", "a6#", "awA", "awa", "aw6", "aww", "aw#", "a#A", "a#a", "a#6", "a#w", "a##", "6AA", "6Aa", "6A6", "6Aw", "6A#", "6aA", "6aa", "6a6", "6aw", "6a#", "66A", "66a", "666", "66w", "66#", "6wA", "6wa", "6w6", "6ww", "6w#", "6#A", "6#a", "6#6", "6#w", "6##", "wAA", "wAa", "wA6", "wAw", "wA#", "waA", "waa", "wa6", "waw", "wa#", "w6A", "w6a", "w66", "w6w", "w6#", "wwA", "wwa", "ww6", "www", "ww#", "w#A", "w#a", "w#6", "w#w", "w##", "#AA", "#Aa", "#A6", "#Aw", "#A#", "#aA", "#aa", "#a6", "#aw", "#a#", "#6A", "#6a", "#66", "#6w", "#6#", "#wA", "#wa", "#w6", "#ww", "#w#", "##A", "##a", "##6", "##w", "###" }

The advantage of using a method with a yield statement is that it is lazy: if you only need five such strings, not all possible strings will be generated first...

Willem Van Onsem, thanks! This was exactly what i've been looking for. But my problem sounds little different. I have to generate all possible strings without repetition of chars from source array. And here is your code, that i modified to do so:

    public static IEnumerable<string> GenerateStrings(IEnumerable<char> characters, int length, int count)
        if (length > 0)
            foreach (char c in characters)
                char[] charactersDec = new char[characters.Count()];
                Array.Copy(characters.ToArray(), charactersDec, characters.Count());
                int index = Array.IndexOf(charactersDec, c);
                charactersDec = charactersDec.Where((val, idx) => idx != index).ToArray();
                foreach (string suffix in GenerateStrings(charactersDec, length - 1, count++))
                    yield return c + suffix;
            yield return string.Empty;

I remove current char from array and passed this array to recursive call.

output for a, b, c, d will be: ab ba ac ca ad da bc cb bd db cd dc please, sorry my english.

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