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How to use relative path for $ref in Json Schema

Say I have a json schema called child.json.

"$ref": "file:child.json" will work

"$ref": "file:./child.json" will work

That is the only two relative path worked for me. I am using the python validator: http://sacharya.com/validating-json-using-python-jsonschema/

The issue I have is: if i have 3 schema: grandpa.json, parent.json, and child.json; grandpa is referring to parent using "$ref": "file:parent.json and parent is referring to child using "$ref": "file:child.json. Then the above relative path does not work no more

Building off the github issue linked by @jruizaranguren I ended up with the following which works as expected:

import os
import json
import jsonschema

schema_dir = os.path.abspath('resources')
with open(os.path.join(schema_dir, 'schema.json') as file_object:
    schema = json.load(file_object)

# Your data
data = {"sample": "woo!"}

# Note that the second parameter does nothing.
resolver = jsonschema.RefResolver('file://' + schema_dir + '/', None)

# This will find the correct validator and instantiate it using the resolver.
# Requires that your schema a line like this: "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#"
jsonschema.validate(data, schema, resolver=resolver)

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